Music from the Headlands Center For The Arts, volumes 1 to 7

Like the experimental quality and how unexpected they sound. Great for work and to trance. Sometimes ethereal. Sometimes dirty and grainy, melancholic. Energetic, simple, surprising. A good layering to enjoy throughout.

I enjoy this type of uncompromised art, and it reminds me a lot how it should be most of the time: instinctive. My sole, humble opinion.

Gift of Tongues, Archaic Torso, The Burnt House, A World Apart, Wild River, Disappear, and Another Void.

A year with 13 moons

Listening to this is like being vacuumed sealed into a bag with all the summer noises that exist, and they’re all around your body, leaving an intense tingling sensation on the brain.


Image of spontaneous paint brushstrokes with mostly blue, pink and yellow colors. The strokes have a good amount of space between them and their form looks like waves. There is no apparent figuration formed from the strokes so it's an abstract painting.

In Summer

Sounds like a breath of warm air pushing your face with excellent harmonization. It also seems to have texture due to the graininess of the soundwaves. Excellent stuff.
